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  • Writer's picturePaul Depperschmidt

Florida's Forgotten Coast

Updated: May 23, 2023

Florida's forgotten coast is in Franklin County along the panhandle. It's the last remaining stretch of unspoiled, pristine Gulf Coast beaches that haven’t been overrun by high rises and strip malls. This is old Florida as when my brothers and I would take road trips to see our Grandmother who lived in Florida. There are stretches along the coast where the road is right on the beach and the views seem like the Keys of Florida. There are people and RV's in the area, but it is way laid back. We elected to stay in Carrabelle, as small fishing village just down the road from Apalachicola.

The dog friendly beach was right across the road from the RV Resort creating a heaven for Nellie and her wolf pack.

In the last post I mentioned that my original Mavic Pro drone had bit the dust and I was looking for a replacement. I found it in the new Mavic Mini 2. This drone fits in the palm of your hand and takes fantastic 4K images with a new edition gimbal stabilizing system for the camera. Another nice addition is the ability to zoom in flight.

I took a flight to get it dialed in and get used to its new functions. It turns out the camera was not fond of being blasted by 100mph winds on the wing, so it required fashioning a plastic bubble cover from the previous drone. But it worked out really well. The video below shows the camera without the shield. Camera shaking was not going to work. But the images were stunning.

Here is a short video of the area from the air with the new drone camera.

A short drive along the coast brought us to the small town of Apalachicola. Nestled on the mouth of the Apalachicola River, this small coastal city is home to bustling seafood houses, weather-worn shrimp boats and stately historical buildings. It is a great town to stroll through the streets and visit.

In our next post we explore Florida's hidden coast.

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May 14, 2021

Great post love this area!

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